Excellence in Teaching Awards '24-'25
Discovering and Celebrating Bengaluru’s Best Teachers
This award by Raintree Schools Bangalore aims to recognize and celebrate outstanding teachers who have made significant contributions to the field of education and have demonstrated excellence in teaching in limited resource settings.
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Feb 14th
Raintree Schools is proud to announce the 3rd Edition of the Excellence in Teaching Award. This award aims to recognize and celebrate outstanding teachers who have made significant contributions to the field of education and have demonstrated excellence in teaching practices.
The Excellence in Teaching Award is open to all teachers currently employed in affordable private schools (unaided) across Bangalore.
Teachers in Bangalore currently teaching Preschool to 10th Standard are invited to submit their nominations
Grand Master Educator - Rs. 20,000/-
Climate Change Educator - Rs.15,000/-
Distinguished Educator - Rs.15,000/-
Sustainability Educator - Rs. 15,000/-
Rising Star Educator - Rs. 10,000/-
Climate Change and Sustainability Prizes
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Past Winners
Winners '23 - '24
1st Place - Asma Sultana - Blossom Public School, Padarayanapura
2nd Place - Sudha L - St.Mary's High School, Vijayanagar
3rd Place - Gunavathi T - BNM Public School, Banashankari
Raintree Prize - Anees Fathima, Raintree School, Mysore Road
Winners '22 - '23
1st Place - Rajesh Bhatt. P - New Oxford High School, Rajajinagar
2nd Place - Ashwini G - Aditi Public School, AGS Layout
3rd Place -Gunavathi T - BNM Public School, Banashankari

Submission Details
Teachers who wish to participate in the Excellence in Teaching Award are required to submit the following via the form below.
- You should be currently teaching in a State Syllabus (SSLC) Affordable Private School or Budget School
- School should be private and unaided
- School should be located in Bangalore Urban or Bangalore Rural
- Teachers currently teaching any classes or subjects from Preschool to 10th Standard​
Criteria: In the form, teachers must upload a 1-minute video of the teacher teaching a topic to a group of students. The video should clearly show the teacher and can include any other text, presentations, animations, etc. Maximum video limit is 1 Minute. The video can be in any Language.
The panel will evaluate the teacher on the following:
Use of teaching aids / activity​​
Teaching style (Clarity & Communication)
Content Expertise
The nominations will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges from top institutions around the world.
Submit your nominations via the website (form below) and stand a chance to win the prestigious Excellence in Teaching Award by Raintree Schools!
For any questions please write to awards@raintreeschools.com
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 11PM - 14th February 2025
Results Announcement: 1PM 22nd March 2025
Award Ceremony: 5th April 2025
Submission Form
Disclaimer: Participation in the Raintree Teachers Prize is subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the organizers. The organizers reserve the right to make final decisions, and by participating, entrants waive any claims of liability.